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作者: 时间:2016-04-18 点击量:


How to get published in IOP journals

报告人:熊春 博士 副编审


联系我们: chun.xiong@iop.org

时间:2016年 4 月 21 日周四晚19:30-20:30


Title: How to get published in IOP Journals


Speaker: Dr Chun Xiong, Associate Publisher

IOP Beijing Office and IOP Publishing, UK

Abstract: IOP Publishing (IOPP) is a world leading professional society publisher aimed for advancing and disseminating physics. IOP publishes over 60 strong physics and related titles of world reputation with the flagship Journal of Physics series. All papers under consideration need to report original, significant and high quality researches to merit publication. Papers also need to be well presented to secure rapid processing and publication. Detailed requirements of this and how to responding referees, IOP’s new Open Access (OA) and copyright polices will be covered in the talk to help your paper publication with IOP as well as with other world journals.

报告摘要:如何将重要研究成果以高水平论文的形式发表出去,是所有从事基础科学研究的科研人员必须面对的。英国物理学会出版社IOP Publishing (IOP)是世界领先的专业性学会出版机构,出版发行70多种国际著名的物理学相关期刊,尤其是《Journal of Physics》系列, JOPT以及Nanotechnology等。IOP对论文的学术水平有很高的要求,论文需要精心撰写才能确保得到快速审稿和接收发表。在审稿过程中,作者通常只有一次答复审稿人和修改论文的机会。本报告将侧重于介绍国际期刊(以IOP为例)对于学术论文中每个部分在写作层面上的基本要求,以及论文投稿和国际审稿四步流程等,将对您在学术期刊上发表论文有所帮助。



Dr. Chun Xiong joined IOP Publishing since 2012, as the Associate Publisher of IOP Beijing Office. Her major responsibilities include getting high-profile Chinese papers to IOP journals, strengthening the cooperation among Chinese authors, editorial board members and IOP, promoting Chinese physics journals to the world through partnership publishing with IOP, promoting IOP journals business in China, and developing and enhancing the good Sino-UK relations in the physics related fields.

Chun Xiong graduated from Central China Normal University in 2003. She obtained her PhD degree on Cosmology and Theoretical Physics at Newcastle University (UK) in 2007. She then took up the position of a post-doctoral research fellow at University of St Andrews (UK) from 2008 to 2011, working on the theoretical simulations of Casimir Quantum Effects. She has published more than 20 research papers in international journals, including J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., Annals of Physics, International Journal of Systems Science etc.

Contact details:

Dr. Chun Xiong

Associate Publisher

IOP Beijing Office and IOP Publishing

Room A512



